Wednesday, 25 May 2016

How to Clean Your Smoking Pipe ?

If you love your glass pipe and bong surely you need it on daily basis. To get the perfect hit, it is necessary for you to clean your stuff. You will notice that every time you use it, it gets clogged very easily and you are unable to take perfect hit. So it is the time to clean the bugger out. You can clean it by scraping but it is very lengthy and tedious job. Here is the easy step that will help you to clean the resin out.


  1. The first step is to buy a canister of salt and A bottle of isopropyl rubbing alcohol.
2. The second step is to fill isopropyl alcohol in a re sealable polythene bag or in a big bowl.
3. Third step is to put one tablespoon of salt in the bag.
4. Put the pipes in the bag and shake well.
5.Let it soak in the bag overnight so that it can clean resin deeply.

6.Wash the pipe by warm water. Repeat the step by if you require.

Just let it dry and take a fresh and perfect hit from your glass pipe.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

How to use a Rolling Machine

1.       Tobacco in hand: Get ready with the stuff (tobacco) you want to fill in the cigarette. Grind it properly using grinders available for herb.

2.      Ready Rolling Machine: Obtain a cigarette rolling machine of a good brand such as RAW etc. Purchase according to your cigarette small, medium and big rolling machine.

3.      Play with your Rolling Machine: Understand the working of your rolling machine. Try to open or close roll to know about it.

4.      Put the tobacco you want to fill in the cigarette in between the space of both the rollers.

5.     Close the roller after tobacco is filled.

6.     Remove a paper from the pack: Check out which side has the gum and insert the opposite side into the roller, put the adhesive facing towards you. Start rolling the paper into the machine slowly-slowly, when you will reach near gum lick it roll again.

7.     Open your roller and your cigarette is ready. 

What is a Vaporizer ?

A vaporizer is an inhalation device used for smoking. It is used to vaporize the ingredients such as cannabis, tobacco and other herbs. Vaporizers are made up with glass and metal. It is one of the most useful products for a smoker.

The vaporizer heats up the herbs to a temperature at which it release the components into vapor. And then vapor is inhaled by the user. It doesn't contain toxic particles like tar, benzene, toluene, naftalene etc.

We categorize the Vaporizer as:

E cigarette vaporizer                      
Marijuana vaporizer
Medical vaporizer

Vaporizers can be used for medical purpose also. In diseases like chronic painmultiple sclerosisepilepsy, and HIV/AIDS patient smokes cannabis for therapeutic purposes.

Vaporizers are considered as one of the safer alternative of smoking that gives you the same effects of smoking cigarette with lesser no of drawbacks.

You can browse through our range of dry herb and wax vaporizers. Buy vaporizer now from

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

What are Smoking Glass Pipes?

Glass pipes are one of the popular devices for smoking. It is considered as a classy way of smoking. The glass pipes are popular for its shape, colorful and attractive designs and fresh tastes. It is easily available at every head shop.

Glass pipes come in different categories including Inside-out glass pipe, spiral glass pipes, hitter, bubblers etc. They are designed in such a way that gives the 3D view from outside. Smoking in glass pipe is considered much better than the filtered cigarettes. Glass pipes are stylish and classy than other smoking devices.

Components of Glass Pipes:

Bowl: bowl is the main part of the glass pipes that contain the tobacco inside it.

Pipe: A glass pipes have a thin pipe like shape that connects the bowl to mouthpiece.

Bit: It is also known as mouthpiece from where we smoke. has a large collection of glass pipes. We are the retailer and wholesaler of glass pipes in all over India and USA.

How to clean a glass pipe:

To clean a glass pipes you don’t need much, you just need isopropyl alcohol and salt.

Get started with mixing two or three teaspoons of salt with isopropyl alcohol. Stir them together and put your glass pipes into the mixture. 

Soak them for half an hour till all the resin completely wipes off. Wash them properly with water and dry them with paper towel.

The alcohol loosens the resins of the pipe and salt acts as a scrubber that removes the gunk without damaging pipe.

You can buy glass pipes at reasonable price from Little Goa. Starting from Rs 299.